Despite popular belief, in many cases you don’t need to call in the professionals to remove mould from your home.

Using the right products, a bit of elbow grease, and taking the proper safety precautions is usually that’s all required. You can check out the how to remove mould section for further details. However, before you do that, answer the following questions to determine whether or not you should tackle the mould yourself or get expert assistance.

Do you have a weak immune system or sensitive to mould exposure?

Exposure to mould can lead to various health problems, but particularly to those that have weak immune systems and show signs of sensitivity to mould. In those instances, ingesting mould spores can be extremely dangerous, and has been fatal in the past.

If you’re aware of suffering from either of those conditions, then hiring a professional might be the safest an best option to dealing with the mould.

Are you or anyone else experiencing adverse health effect from the mould?

If so, it is in your best interest to deal with the mould problem immediately and thoroughly, which is often achieved by hiring a professional.

If you’re unsure what the health risks are when exposed to mould, please read our health risks with mould guide.

How big is the infected area?

If the area is less than approximately 10 square feet, it might be more manageable to deal with by yourself. But anything large maybe too much for a do-it-yourself job.

Why is the mould growing?

If you’re sure of why the mould is occurring, for example, a leaking tap, or some other obvious exposure to moisture that can be prevented from occurring, then it’s a perfectly sensible idea to tackle the mould issue yourself. However, if the mould problem is caused by circumstances that you cannot manage yourself, for example, sewage or contaminated water, it is best to call the professionals.